Exercise and Weight Loss.

Weight loss hs hit the mainstream again with vigor, especially with medications hitting the market that are showing to help with it. In the drive to lose weight, exercise it usually recommended, especially in my clinic… But how we frame our mind on the role of exercise in this process needs to be realistic as exercise plays an important but complex role in weight loss and weight maintenance. The old saying, ‘you can’t outrun a poor diet’ may still ring true.

Exercise’s effect on weight-loss

Exercise alone will usually have a modest effect on weight-loss.

  • Studies show that by itself, exercise will usually results in around 1.5-3.5 kg lost on average.

  • One could except an additional 1 kg added to weight lost from diet alone.

  • Aerobic exercise appears to be more effective for weight loss than resistance training.

However, exercise provides important benefits beyond just weight loss:

  • Can help preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss.

  • Improves cardiovascular fitness (VO2 Max), insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and mood.

  • It may help reduce visceral fat (fat around organs)- which has shown to be more dangerous to overall help than more peripheral distributions..

We try to instill physical activity as a family to keep moving and showing our girls how it can be quality time together.

Role in Weight Maintenance

Exercise seems to have more of a role in maintaining weight loss over time:

  • Physical activity has a stronger effect to prevent regaining weight after weight loss compared to initial weight loss.

  • Consistently performing more than the basic recommended amount of exercise (150 min/week) appears more likely to contribute to long-term weight maintenance. Though there is a point where you can be exercising too much (typically in the professional athlete realm, where too much vigorous exercise can lead to injury)

Factors Affecting Exercise and Weight Loss

Several factors influence the impact of exercise on weight:

  • Individual variability in response to exercise is high.

  • Exercise may increase appetite in some people, potentially offsetting calorie burn.

  • Studies have shown that people will typically over-report physical activity, and underreport calorie intake..

  • The type, intensity, and duration of exercise matter - higher amounts generally lead to more weight loss.

Getting out and hiking, especially in Colorado now, is a favorite past-time of mine.


For optimal weight loss and health benefits:

  • Combine exercise with dietary changes for best results.

  • Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

  • Include resistance training 2-3 times per week to preserve muscle mass.

  • Focus on the many health benefits of exercise beyond just weight loss.

In summary, while exercise alone may have modest effects on initial weight loss, it is crucial for overall health and plays an important role in maintaining weight loss over time. A combination of diet and exercise remains the most effective approach for sustainable weight management. Everyone’s journey with this is different and all plans should be individually tailored. Involving ones primary care physician or medical profession is always a good idea!

Stay safe out there and keep moving!


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